Archive for Marathon

running never stops

Posted in reality bites, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 2, 2016 by romaadnexa

I started running in 2014 for one of the most common reasons, I was broken hearted. Haha. But I am thankful for this, because from then on, I never stopped running. From my first ever 5-kilometer run in March 2014, to my first ever half marathon in February 2015.


I continued running 10Ks and 21Ks here and there so as not to have a break in running.

21k Natgeo Run

10K We Run Mnl by Nike

21k World Vision Run

10K CoC Run by Runtarantarantantan (cause I’m so addicted to the game) Haha.

10K Affinitea Run

16k Francis M run by Runtarantantan

10K Subaru Marathon

I think every runner dreams of finishing a full marathon, so I registered in the 2016 The Bull Runner (TBR) marathon. This marathon is one-of-a-kind since it is exclusive for first time and second time marathoners. Unfortunately, I have a wedding to attend to in Batangas that day also, so I guess I have to join this again for 2017. Nonetheless, this marathon is worth it because you get to be well-trained by coaches during bull sessions. They also conduct seminars to improve your knowledge in running like marathon body nutrition and gears. You also make new friends who are running enthusiasts.



Of course, you get to have that awesome shirt and great discounts from running apparels and accessories.

Because I won’t get the chance to run for the TBR, I registered in the next Condura Skyway Marathon. I’m now on my fourth month of training, so wish me luck!