Archive for black

Black and White Challenge

Posted in first love with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 21, 2014 by romaadnexa

There’s this black and white photo challenge happening around facebook. For those who have been “nominated”, you need to be able to post a black and white photo everyday for five consecutive days. After that, you also have to nominate another five that shall post their five black and white photos, and so on, and so on.

Here are my top five black and white photos. Thanks to my basic photography teacher, Jo Avila for the post processing technique. 🙂

My first

Mt. Pulag

My first post. This was taken at the peak of Mt. Pulag. I have been to many places but nothing beats the sight of those clouds at the peak.

Second post. Remnants of my first solo flight, taken at Angkor Wat. The beauty of the walls is just breathtaking.

Second post. Remnants of my first solo flight, taken at Angkor Wat. The beauty of the walls is just breathtaking.

Third post. My alma mater for 8 years.

Third post. My alma mater for 8 years.

Fourth post. A chance encounter with a geisha. We thought we did not make it on time, but our right turn was just right.  This was taken at Kyoto, Japan.

Fourth post. A chance encounter with a geisha. We thought we did not make it on time, but our right turn was just right.
This was taken at Kyoto, Japan.

And last but not the least, I posted this photo of splitter in black and white. I dedicate this post to the love of my life. When we learned each other's taste in music, there was an instant connection we could not deny. And from then on I knew, I will love this person for the rest of my life. :)

And last but not the least, I posted this photo of splitter in black and white. I dedicate this post to the love of my life. When we listened to each other’s playlists, there was an instant connection we could not deny. And from then on I knew, I will keep this person for the rest of my life. 🙂