Archive for Asia


Posted in carpe diem, first love with tags , , , , , , , , on June 29, 2014 by romaadnexa


This was one of the highlights of my recent Japan trip. We already gave up the thought of seeing a geisha around the Gion area since it was past 4pm. Luckily, while we were walking towards Nishiki market; we stumbled upon one or two geishas walking around the area.

After posting this on my instagram account, random people started making comments saying that this was Satsuki-san, one of the most popular maiko in Gion to date. As a fan of Memoirs of a Geisha, I could not ask for more. 🙂

Mt. Fuji

Posted in carpe diem, first love with tags , , , , , on June 28, 2014 by romaadnexa

Mt. Fuji

One of my favorite scenic spots in Japan. Mt. Fuji was insanely beautiful; I describe it as an apparition on a clear horizon, and I just could not take my eyes off of it.